We are so pleased to not only see that Ashtead has a good range of shops in each of the three shopping areas, but we are helping to try to help boost our local traders and the services they can provide to residents and visitors alike. They have had a tough time during Covid, and now like all residents face high energy costs and inflation. Please support our local shops.
Ashtead Independent Councillor David Hawksworth has been chosen to join the new Ashtead Village Traders committee to provide a direct link to the council and so help ensure that the voices of our local traders are heard and press for improvements.
At a recent very well attended meeting in the Ashtead Village Club in The Street, over 40 local traders met to enthusiastically discuss the forthcoming Christmas late night which runs from 16:00 to 20:00 on Tuesday 6th December. Your Independent councillors have requested free parking for the event.
The all-day free parking at the Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall and Grove Road car parks on the three Saturdays before Christmas - something instituted by Councillor Hawksworth in 2019 - is to be repeated this year.​
​They also started the discussion on how each area - The Street, Craddocks Parade and Barnett Wood Lane can thrive and promote locally services.
Well-known local trader Garry Milner is the new head of the Village Traders Association and his keenness to help all traders was clear to see and everyone was pleased to hear his ideas. Independent Ashtead Councillors David Hawksworth and Chris Hunt, who were at the meeting fielded questions on parking, Christmas lights and ways of promoting traders generally.
"Please keep supporting your local shops and services, either in person or via their websites," said David Hawksworth.
"Most local traders live locally. We know they care for the Village, and it is so encouraging to see that the Traders Association has such ambitious plans to serve residents across Ashtead," he said.
​Any traders who were unable to attend the meeting are encouraged to contact Garry Milner to be added to the Traders’ mailing list and a WhatsApp group being created.