Currently Surrey Highways are way behind on their implementation of yellow lines in Ashtead - and elsewhere - due in May/June and still not apparent. I have been chasing this for months now and have been told that the new contract is bedding in !! I can assure you I will continue to pursue this at every opportunity - I spoke on the subject at the last full Council meeting in October and was supported by many other Councillors of every denomination.
I am sorry to say the same excuse is being given on Parking Enforcement. This has been taken away from the Districts and it is now being done by a Company under contract to SCC. I have asked for the details of, if and when, the enforcement officers have visited Ashtead with particular reference to our schools and await the reply with interest.
On a positive note the 20mph around schools is currently being carried out around Greville with consultation going on for the area around Downsend/St Andrews/St Peters and West Ashtead. This latter work when approved is due to go ahead during the summer holidays in 2024.
The road humps in both Woodfield Lane and Barnett Wood Lane are being assessed for improvement and this, once costed and approved, could well be implemented during 2024.
If you have any concerns about enforcement on any issue and/or road in Ashtead please contact
Cllr. Chris Townsend
Ashtead Division - SCC